Saturday, August 4, 2007

So I entered this contest, and there were four rounds...Round One ~ I won the page and card division, and received two twenty dollar gift certificates. Round Two ~ I didn't enter a card, and my page came in second. Round Three ~ I won the page, and received another twenty dollar gift certificate. Round Four ~ was the hardest and final round, which they gave us a packet of paper, stickers, a flower and two pieces of ribbon...we couldn't use ANY of our stuff, only what was in the was VERY hard. I came up with the UGLIEST page I have EVER made, and a card that was not my favorite, but it had a secret trick to it, so people thought it was cool. I won the card division and received a $50 gift certificate...All and all I won $110's total, which I quickly spent in the store... :)

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Govenor's Picnic and Military Appreciation Picnic

Govenor's Picnic and Military Appreciation Picnic
When I went to this Sarah gave out blue star flags to each person who had someone in the Military. I got to tell about my son Ted who is a Marine and my daughter RuthAnn who is going to boot camp on Sept. 22nd. Sarah hugged me and said I was a brave Marine Mama!