Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Interesting Thing...

about the photo that is posted is that it is about 10:00 am in the morning, the sun is coming up and I believe it was about -5 degrees out. We were out at Camp Maranatha, for a retreat, and the snow had freshly fallen, about 18 inches, and when the sun came up it was all pink and shining on the beautiful snow. I took several couples photos that morning, and some of them even used them in their Christmas cards!... I love this photo of Daniel and I.

Saturday, August 4, 2007

So I entered this contest, and there were four rounds...Round One ~ I won the page and card division, and received two twenty dollar gift certificates. Round Two ~ I didn't enter a card, and my page came in second. Round Three ~ I won the page, and received another twenty dollar gift certificate. Round Four ~ was the hardest and final round, which they gave us a packet of paper, stickers, a flower and two pieces of ribbon...we couldn't use ANY of our stuff, only what was in the packet...it was VERY hard. I came up with the UGLIEST page I have EVER made, and a card that was not my favorite, but it had a secret trick to it, so people thought it was cool. I won the card division and received a $50 gift certificate...All and all I won $110's total, which I quickly spent in the store... :)

Anniversary Card

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My husband and I had a 20th Anniversary Party last Saturday night, and all my friends thought they were coming over to celebrate us...but I tricked them and made all of them Anniversary cards also! We played games and had food and had a lot of fun...

Birthday Card I made with my Cricut

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My son Ted needed a birthday card for his girlfriend. I made two, and was really not satisfied with them. So I got on the Cricut website for inspiration and ended up coming up with this Card...Hope she likes it!

Govenor's Picnic and Military Appreciation Picnic

Govenor's Picnic and Military Appreciation Picnic
When I went to this Sarah gave out blue star flags to each person who had someone in the Military. I got to tell about my son Ted who is a Marine and my daughter RuthAnn who is going to boot camp on Sept. 22nd. Sarah hugged me and said I was a brave Marine Mama!