Tuesday, August 14, 2007

The Interesting Thing...

about the photo that is posted is that it is about 10:00 am in the morning, the sun is coming up and I believe it was about -5 degrees out. We were out at Camp Maranatha, for a retreat, and the snow had freshly fallen, about 18 inches, and when the sun came up it was all pink and shining on the beautiful snow. I took several couples photos that morning, and some of them even used them in their Christmas cards!... I love this photo of Daniel and I.

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Govenor's Picnic and Military Appreciation Picnic

Govenor's Picnic and Military Appreciation Picnic
When I went to this Sarah gave out blue star flags to each person who had someone in the Military. I got to tell about my son Ted who is a Marine and my daughter RuthAnn who is going to boot camp on Sept. 22nd. Sarah hugged me and said I was a brave Marine Mama!